Architectural Support for System Security
Architectural Support for System Security
Hardware Features, Usage and Scenarios
performance counter性能监视器用来做安全
Security: Why Hardware?
Security is a negative goal
- how to make a program not do something?
- not execute any code from user, not leak some secret from memory, etc
Hardware features based security:
- fixed and robust(hopefully)健壮
- more efficient(most of the time)比较好地提高并行能力,减少CPU的开销
Features designed for Security
Return-to-user Attack
利用了用户空间进程不能访问内核空间,但内核空间能访问用户空间这个特性来定向内核代码或数据流指向用户软件,以ring 0特权执行用户空间代码完成提升权限
Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention
- allows pages to be protected from supervisor-mode instruction fetches
- if SMEP = 1, OS cannot fetch instructions from applications
Prevent Return-to-user Attack: the CPU will prevent the OS from executing user-level instructions
supervisor mode access prevention
- allows pages to be protected from supervisor-mode data accesses
- if SMAP = 1, OS cannot access data at linear addresses of application
ret2dir Attacks
return-to-direct-mapped memory attack简单来说,通过利用一个核心区域,直接映射系统部分或者全部物理内存(用户空间内存映射到physmap,内核可以直接访问physmap)允许攻击者在内核地址空间访问用户数据
physmap在0xffff888000000000 - 0xfffc87fffffffff这一段,大小为64TB,物理内存直接映射在该区域某地址处
- vmalloc请求page size倍数大小的内存,要求虚拟地址连续,物理地址不需要连续
- kmalloc请求字节级内存分配,虚拟地址和物理地址都必须是连续的,可以在physmap上做内存分配操作
ARM’s Similar Functionalities
- PAN: Privileged Access Never
- PXN: Privileged execute Never
- UAO: User Access Only
Using SMAP for Intra-process Isolation
- Scenario: information hiding
- Observation: SMAP prevents kernel access user’s memory
- Idea: use SMAP to hide data from the rest of the process
- Solution: put critical part in ring-3 and rest of the process in ring-0
- Challenge: how to securely run user code in ring-0?
Bounds Error of Software: C/C++ programs are prone to bounds errors.
- not type-safe language
- buffer overflow bugs
memory protection extensions
Intel introduces MPX since Skylake
Programmer can create and enforce bounds
- specified by two 64-bit addresses specifying the beginning and the end of a range
- New instructions are introduced to efficiently compare a given value against the bounds, raising an exception when the value does not fall within the permitted range
- bndmov: Fetch the bounds information (upper and lower)out of memory and put it in a bounds register.(有专门的寄存器来储存边界值)
- bndcl: Check the lower bounds against an argument(%rax)
- bndcu: Check the upper bounds against an argument (%rax)
- bnd retq: Not a “true” Intel MPX instruction
- The bnd here is a prefix to a normal retq instruction
- It just lets the processor know that this is Intel MPX-instrumented code
Bounds Tables
For efficiency, four bounds can be stored into dedicated registers
- Registers: bnd0 to bnd3
- When more bounds are required, they are stored in memory, and the bound registers serve as a caching mechanism
- Bounds tables are a two-level radix tree, indexed by the virtual address of the pointer for which you want to load/store the bounds
- The BNDLDX/BNDSTX instructions essentially take a pointer value and move the bounds information between a bounds register & bounds tables
最坏情况下内存overhead 500%,开销很大
大量指针同时进行 bound check使性能变差
memory protection keys
- with MPK, every page belongs to one of 16 domains, a domain is determined by 4 bits in every page-table entry(referred to as the protection key)
- for every domain, there are two bits in a special register(pkru) denotes whether pages associated with that key can be read or written
- kernel and application
- only the kernel can change the key of a page
- Application can read and write the pkru register using the rdpkru and wrpkru instructions respectively
- Isolation can be enabled using MPK by placing the sensitive data in pages that have a particular protection key, forming the sensitive domain .
- An appropriate instrumentation enables reads and/or writes to the data by setting the access disable and write-disable bits, respectively, using wrpkru
- As long as these bits are unset, the sensitive domain is accessible
- By setting the bits back, the sensitive domain is disabled, making only the non- sensitive domain available
软件有mproject方法与之相似,application can already change the permission of pages. MPK的优势在于mproject是一个system call,有性能损失,改内存权限要改页表和刷TLB,一个核改了其他核也要中断刷TLB,下一次访存会TLB miss而使用MPK只需要执行几条指令,开销更小
- use case 1: protect critical data with one address space
- Handling of sensitive cryptographic data
- Only enable access to private key during encryption
- use case 2: prevent data corruption
- In-memory database prevents writes most of the time
- Only enable changing data when needs to change
- Changing protection on gigabytes using mprotect() is too slow
ARM Pointer Authentication
ARM64 only use 40 bits out of 64 bits
- On an ARM64 Linux system using three-level page tables, only the bottom 40 bits are used, while the remaining 24 are equal to the highest significant bit
- the 40-bit address is sign-extended to 64 bits
- those uppermost bits could be put to other uses, including holding an authentication code
use the 24 bits for security!
Key Management
PA defines five keys: Four keys for PAC* and AUT* instructions(combination of instruction/data and A/B keys), one key for use with the general purpose PACGA instruction
Key storage:
- Stored in internal registers and are not accessible by EL0(user mode)
- The software(EL1, EL2 and EK3) is required to witch keys between exception levels
- Higher privilege levels control the keys for the lower privilege level
New instructions
PAC value creation:
- Writee the value to the uppermost bits in a destination register alongside and address pointer value
- Validate a PAC and update the destination register with a correct or corrupt address pointer
- if the authentication fails, an indirect branch or load that uses the authenticated, and corrupt, address will cause an exception
remove a PAC value from the specified register
Target: Memory Safety
Memory safety violation dominates:
- Microsoft, Google,etc
software solutions:
- ASan: AddressSanitizer
- HWSAN: hardware-assisted AddressSanitizeer
- Cons: costly
Hardware solution: tagged memory
memory test extension
memory safety 空间错误(访存越界)&时间错误(访问一个已经free的指针)
A new memory type: Normal Tagged Memory
loads and stores to this new memory type perform an access where the tag present in the top byte of the address register is compared with the tag stored in memory
A mismatch between the tag in the address and the tag memory can be configured to cause a synchronous exception or to be asynchronously reported
每16 bytes对应一个 1 byte tag 指针加一个tag 要求相邻的space tag要不一致, malloc/free的时候要注意更新tag, 这样malloc开销会变大,因为要初始化所有的tag(虽然可以异步执行)
Combining MTE and PA
- a tag for memory tagging
- a PAC for pointer authentication
可以同时使用,PAC的大小是可变的,取决于virtual address space大小。同时使用的时候PA安全性会降低一点
Intel CET
control-flow Enforcement Technology
Two major techs:
- Shadow stack
- Indirect branch tracking
code injection attacks
即在内存中注入一段恶意代码,试着将return address 覆盖掉,并跳转到恶意代码段
- inject malicious code in buffer
- Overwrite return address to buffer
- Once return, the malicious code runs
- StackGuard, FormatGuard
- make data section non-executable
New Attacks: Code-reuse Attack
- return-to-libc & return-oriented programming
Code Reuse Attack
不需要注入新的代码,而是跳转到已有代码,找到若干个代码片段,在return address里压入若干个地址把这些片段串起来
Return-oriented Programming
- Find code gadgets in existed code base
- push address of gadgets on stack
- leverage ‘ret ‘ at the end of gadget to connect each code gadgets
- No code injection
- return-less kernels
- Heuristic means
New: Jump-oriented attacks
- Use gadget as dispatcher
control-flow integrity
General Solution to enforce CFI
- Some need binary re-writing or source re-compiling
- Some need application/OS/Hardware re-designing
- Some have large overhead
- Non-instrusive general attack detection
- Apply to existing applications on commodity hardware
shadow stack
A shadow stack is a second stack for the program
- Used exclusively for control transfer operations
- Is separate from the data stack
- Can be enabled for operation individually in user mode or supervisor mode
给程序加一个shadow stack,只记录调用trace,和数据分开,stack overflow就无法攻击
Shadow Stack Mode
CALL instruction
- Pushes the return address on both the data and shadow stack
RET instruction
- Pops the return address from both stacks and compare them
- If the return addresses from two stacks do not match, the processor signals a control protection exception
Note that the shadow stack only holds the return addresses and not parameters passed to the call instruction
这样软件需要维护两个栈,开销比较大,可以用用户态维护也可以由内核态维护,用户态维护的话每次call 和return之前都要去另外的地方记录一下,内核态维护可以把shadow stack放到内核态,比较安全但是每次call和return都需要system call,考虑用硬件来做
Protecting the Shadow Stack
The shadow stack is protected by page table
- Page tables support a new attribute: mark page as “Shadow Stack” pages依然属于用户态,但是不能被一般指令访问
Control transfers are allowed to store return addresses to the shadow stack
- Like near call, far call, call to interrupt/exception handlers, etc.
- However stores from instructions like MOV, XSAVE, etc. will not be allowed
When control transfer instructions attempt to read from the shadow stack
- Access will fault if the underlying page is not marked as a “Shadow Stack” page
Detects and prevents conditions that cause an overflow or underflow of the shadow stack or any malicious attempts to redirect the processor to consume data from addresses that are not shadow stack addresses
Indirect Branch Tracking
new instruction: ENDBRANCH在jump的时候检查
- mark valid indirect call/jmp targets in the program jmp地址必须是一个ENDBRANCH
- Becomes a NOP on legacy processor,在不支持这一指令的CPU上会变成NOP指令,保证兼容性
- On processors that suport CET the ENDBRANCH is still a NOP and is primarily pipeline to detect control flow violations
The CPU implements a state machine that tracks indirect jimp and call
When one of these instructions is seen, the state machine moves from IDLE to WAIT_ FOR_ ENDBRANCH state
In WAIT_ FOR_ _ENDBRANCH state the next instruction in the program stream must be an ENDBRANCH
If an ENDBRANCH is not seen the processor causes a control protection fault else the state machine moves back to IDLE state
为了这个指令加入一个WAIT_FOR_ENDBRANCH State,进入jmp指令的时候进入这个状态。如果jmp一半发生中断,中断恢复的时候要注意保存状态
ARM上有类似的指令BTI(Branch Target Instructions)BR—-> jmp to BTI,指定了落脚点。缺点是BTI依然很多,但正确的只有一个,需要更细粒度的CFI,这部分软件实现起来比较方便
Isolated Execution Environment
Background: HeartBleed Attack
In-application memory disclosure attack
- one over-read bug discloses the whole memory data
在实现TLS心跳协议时没有对输入进行适当验证,缺少边界检查,读取的数据比应该允许读取的还多。连接的一段可以发一个特定类型的heart beat请求包给对方,里面携带最长64kb的数据,对方收到后把数据原样返回,完成检测,发送请求的客户端可以故意声明自己携带了很长的数据而实际上不带任何数据,服务器不会检查请求中声明的数据和实际数据大小,而是直接按照这个长度用memcpy从请求数据中复制,也就是实际复制的是内存中紧跟在请求数据后面的这一段空间的数据。
Virtual Machine
虚拟化有VMX root/VMX non-root mode, 切换通过VM entry和VM exit实现
VM Entry:
- Transition from VMM to Guest
- Enters VMX non-root operation
- Loads Guest state from VMCS
- VMLAUNCH used on initial entry
- VMRESUME used on subsequent entries
VM Exit:
- VMEXIT instruction used on transition from Guest to VMM
- Enters VMX root operation
- Saves Guest state in VMCS
- Loads VMM state from VMCS
在这一过程中使用的页表多了一个Extended Page Table(EPT)
Translate guest physical addr to host physical addr, the two-level translation are all done by hardware
Guest Virtual Address(GVA)—Guest page table—>Guest Physical Address(GPA) —EPT—>Host Physical Address(HPA)
EPT is manipulated and maintained by hypervisor
- Hypervisor controls how guest accesses physical addresss
- any EPT violation triggers VMExit to hypervisor
所以其实有两个CR3,一个指向guest page table,一个指向EPT
如何通过两个虚拟机跑一个进程的两段代码?在一台虚拟机上维护两张页表 Main EPT和Secret EPT
Memory Isolation using EPT Mechanism
Leverage EPT mechanism to shadow secret memory
- Data segment: secret memory is removed from main EPT
- Code segment: sensitive functions only exist in secret EPT
关键数据和代码都只在secret EPT里映射,问题转化为如何高效地做页表切换
问题:context switch开销很大:
- Every EPT switch is intervened by hypervisor
- VMExit takes much more time than function call
VM Function(VMFUNC)101
VM Functions: Intel virtualization extension
- Non-root guest VMs can directly invoke some functions without VMExit
VM Function 0: EPTP Switching
- Software in guest VM can directly load a new EPT pointer
VMFUNC can provide the hypervosor-level function at the cost of system calls
Using VMFUNC for Efficiency
Separate control plane from data plane
- control plane: hypervisor pre-configure the EPT used by different compartments
- data plane: application can directly switch EPT without yhypervisor intervention
EPTP switching invocation: VMFUNC opcode (EAX=0, ECX=EPTP_index)
Security Problem of VMFUNC
What if attackers directly switch EPT?
- Since EPT switching is not checked by hypervisor
Recall: the code segment of the secret compartment
- It only contains trusted sensitive functions
- The legal entrances to the secret compartment are fixed合法入口是固定的,只有这个地方可以调用VMFUNC
- Invalid VMFUNC invocation causes EPT violation
Secret Compartment is not self-contained
- main compartment may invoke sensitive functions
- Secret compartment may invoke normal functions
- Different compartments have different context
- main compartment通过Trampoline切换为secret compartment执行敏感代码再切换回去
- secret compartment通过springboard切换为main compartment调用lib_call再切换回去
- Context switch is done using VMFUNC
Application Decomposition in SeCage
A hybrid approach to decomposing application
- Dynamic approach to extracting the secret closure
- Automatic decomposition during compilation time
- Static approach to getting the complete potential secret data functions, used to avoid corner case during runtime
Features for Isolation
ARM Trustzone
Two Modes
- Normal world(REE, rich execution environment) and secure world(TEE, trusted execution environment)
- isolated with each other
- SMC instruction to switch
Different levels of trust
- Secure Domain(Tamper-proof, isolated) High security, limited funcs
- Trusted Domain(TrustZone and TEE)
- Protected Domain(Hypervisor) Secure, but more complex
- Rich Domain(Android or Linux) Not secure,but flexible
TrustZone Usage: in Phones
TEE has become standard for biometric
- TEE for fingerprint registration, storage and attestation
- Keep secure even if the phone is rooted
TrustZone Usage: in Vehicle
Secure Authentication:
- start through fingerprint
- secure payment for digital content,oil,etc
Secure connection
- Internet: Through SoftSIM to switch between carriers
- Connection with smartphone for unlocking and remote controlling
Isolation with Entertainment
- Use TEE for secure authentication and connection
TrustZone Usage: in Drones
Secure Control Policies
- No-fly zone: using GPS to restrict fly zone through TEE
- Owner authentication: using biometrics on remote controller
- Other fly-policies: return to specific spot under certain conditions
Secure Enforcement
- Enforce policies through secure boot/secure storage
- Tamper-resistant even under physical attacks
Current Eco-system of TEE
Fragmentation of TEE
- From chip venders: QualComm, Spetrum
- From phone venders: Apple, Huawei
- TEE OS venders: TrustKernel, Trustonic, Google, Linaro
- Many other implementations based on OP-TEE
Trusted applications:
- must be ported to each TEE OS
- have to trust the underlying TEE OS
TrustZone-based Real-time Kernel Protection
Event-driven monitor
- Monitor the normal world critical events
Memory protection
- Protect critical parts of the normal world memory
- Prevent unauthorized privileged code on the target system
- Prevent kernel data access by user level processes
Intel SGX
Why Intel SGX?
Motivation: untrusted privileged software
- protect application from untrusted OS
What if the OS direct accesses application’s memory?
- Data are encrypted in memory
- Data can only be accessed by the app within CPU boundary
- The TCB contains only the CPU app, no OS
How can Memory Always be Encrypted?
Question: data will eventually be decrypted when using
- Then, what if an attacker steal data when it is being used
Solution: only decrypt data inside CPU(in cache)
- The attacker now has to steal data directly from CPU
Counter-mode Encryption
有两个cache,分别是data cache和counter cache不直接对数据做加解密,而是对counter做。每个cache line对应一个counter,数据加密其实是对数据对应的counter做加密。VM-key对counter做加密,生成一个PAD。这个PAD再和data做一次XOR运算作为最终密文, 因为XOR比较快
Merkel Tree for Data Integrity
对所有的data和counter做一个哈希,对哈希值再次哈希,一路往上变成一个root of hash tree放在CPU里,攻击者无法修改
Process View
- With its own code and data
- Providing Confidentiality & Integrity
- Controlled entry points
- Multi-thread support
- Full access to app memory and processor performance
protected execution environment embedded in a process
SGX Execution Flow
- App built with trusted and untrusted parts
- App runs & creates the enclaves which is placed in trusted memory
- Trusted function is called, execution transitioned to the enclave此时call的时候要必须通过call gate限制跳转范围
- Enclave sees all process data in clear; external access to enclave data is denied
- Trusted function returns; enclave data remains in trusted memory
- Application continues normal execution
Software Architectures of SGX
- Code Snippet只把APP trusted part放进enclaves
- Application 把整个app和LibC interface放进SGX,好处是app不需要修改,缺点是不能很好保证安全性,libC向外传参是明文还是密文?
- Container把LibC也加进来,system call才出去,但如果OS也是恶意的呢?
- LibOS 把LibOS也放进来,把常用system call封装成一个OS放进来,外面是virtual machine级别
AMD x86 Memory Encryption Technologies
Two Technologies:
- AMD Secure Memory Encryption(SME)
- AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization(SEV)
- Hardware AES engine located in the memory controller performs inline encryption and decryption of DRAM
- Minimal performance impact: Extra latency only taken for encrypted pages
- No application changes required
- Encryption keys are managed by the AMD Secure Processor and are hardware isolated. Not known to any software on the CPU
Comparing with Intel SGX
The SME approach is different
- It will not protect memory from an attacker who has
compromised the kernel - It is intended to protect against cold- boot attacks, snooping on the memory bus, and the disclosure of
transient data stored in persistent-memory arrays
Intel MKTME: Multi-Key TME
配置多个key,既可以从hard generated临时的key,也可以用 software provided key,适用于NVRAM重启后仍然想知道里面的数据(SGX这样纯硬件生成的重启后就不知道Key了,无法解密)
Multi-Key Total Memory Encryption (MKTME)
- A fixed number of encryption keys are supported
- This functionality is available on a per-page basis
Uses the hardware- generated ephemeral key
- Inaccessible by software or external interfaces
MKTME also supports software-provided keys
- E.g.. a hypervisor can manage the keys to transparently provide memory encryption support for legacy OSes
- OS can also use MKTME to provide support in native and virtualized environment
Threat Model of Public Cloud
Isolation between co-resident VMs provided by hypervisor sometimes breaks down:
- QEMU “VENOM”, VirtualBox bug, etc.
Cloud vendors and hypervisor they provide can not be trusted
- Hypervisor has full access to guest secrets in memory
- Not ideal for cloud users
AMD SEV assumes no side channel attacks or integrity compromise
Design of SEV
SEV adds an encryption engine in memory controller for encryption
- Encryption engine encrypts data using corresponding key
- Encryption key is selected by secure processor
SEV adds a secure processor for key management
DRAM里面是加密的,靠SOC里的Key进行保护,guest owner把自己的VM加密之后 VM只能运行在SEV里面并且以加密方式运行。hypervisor只能偷到密文
Limitation of AMD SME
Vulnerable to side channel attacks
- Cache side channel, TLB side channel, etc.
No guarantee of integrity
- Vulnerable to extend page table remap attack
- VuInerable to physically rewrite to DRAM
Limited number of encryption keys
- Encryption key is associated with ASID
- Number of ASID is limited in secure processor
encryption key数量有限,能起的虚拟机数量有限。为了解决这个问题提出SMP,其中一个很重要的数据结构是RMP
RMP: Reverse Map Table
Memory integrity is enforced using a new DRAM structure called the Reverse Map Table (RMP)
There is 1 RMP for the entire system, it is created by software during boot
Basic properties:
- RMP contains 1 entry for every 4k of assignable memory Hypervisor page
- RMP is indexed by System Physical Address (SPA)
- RMP entries may only be manipulated via new x86 instructions
The RMP indicates page ownership and dictates write-ability. Examples:
- A page assigned to a guest is only writeable by that guest
- A page assigned to the hypervisor cannot be used as a private (encrypted) guest page
- A page used by AMD firmware cannot be written by any x86 software
RMP记录的是physical memory到virtual memory之间的映射关系,又叫page ownership
Why TEE Virtualization?
能否对TrustZone做虚拟化,使得里面可以跑多个Trust OS和对应的App?
- before 2021: A fixed piece of code by venders
- 2012-2017: Some pre-installed trusted apps(TAs) by venders
- 2017-now: Support dynamic installation of third party TAs
Why multiple isolated TEEs are needed?
- More and more CVEs of TEE OS and TAs are disclosed
- A compromised TEE may breach the entire system
- APP vendors(e.g.,mobile payment) may compensate users for the faults of TEE OS, thuus they prefer to run on TEEs the trust
CVE Example: The Boomerang Attack
A time service running in the secure world.
- Writing current time to a memory address (as parameter)
The bug: no check on the address→arbitrary memory writes to REE
- Recall that TEE has higher privilege than REE
- Similar bugs exist in QualComm, Trustonic, SierrawareTEE, Huawei, OP-TEE
TEEv: Enabling Multiple Virtualized TEEs
interaction between vTEEs & vTEE/REE
- secure communication channel by TEE-visor
- TEE-visor manages the shared memry pages between vTEEs and vTEE/REE
- Memory pages in one context need to be explicitly other context
- Defend Boomerang attack
Hardware Property: PMP
RISC-V平台的隔离技术,physical memory protection
Secure monitor only ensure memory isolation when creating enclave
- Keystone use PMP to ensure memory isolation during execution
N (typically 8) groups of PMP registers
- Each group configures access permission to a specific piece of continuous physical memory
Hardware check during memory access
Hardware will look up the first PMP register group whose memory region contains destination address (from0 to N)
Check access permission according to first found PMP register
Each enclave will be assigned a group of PMP registers, indicates memory region allocated to enclave
pmpN is assigned to OS by secure monitor in default, so OS can only access memory after the address passes the check of all enclave’s check
After enclave creation, the physical memory is divided into several independent memory region, each belongs to one enclave
total number of enclaves is limited, because the number of PMP register is limited
Limitations of PMP
Vulnerable to physical attacks
- Bus snooping, cold boot attack, etc.
Not support dynamically allocating new memory for enclave
Enclave’s memory region can only be set during enclave creation
This is limited by hardware PMP’s design
Limited number of enclave supported simultaneously
Motivation of sPMP
For loT devices(MMU-less). It is desirable to enable S-mode OS to limit the physical addresses accessible by U-mode software
之前的PMP是monitor mode,是 RISC-V平台特有的权限,非常底层
M-mode PMP virtualization is non-secure, S-mode virtualization for scalable enclaves
在machine mode里做了一个secure monitor,负责Enclave management,包括创建enclave等,user态有enclave APP, Enclave service如FS等 ,主要工作在于secure communnication channel
Fine-grained Memory Isolation
Naive way
1-bit tag for memory isolation
Secure monitor reserves a bitmap in DRAM and protects it via PMP
Each bit in bitmap corresponds to one physical page and indicate whether the page is enclave page
CPU checks corresponding bit in bitmap before accessing certain physical page to prohibit kernel from accessing enclave memory
Too much modification to hardware
CPU extension introduces one extra memory access for querying bitmap
Overhead can be alleviated via tag cache but can not be mitigated and introduces more modification
Hardware Solution
All unsecure page tables are stored in a reserved memory region (PT_ AREA). New hardware feature is added in page table walker (PTW)
PT_ AREA is isolated from kernel by PMP
Kernel is still in charge of memory mappings but can not write PT_ AREA directly
Secure monitor helps kernel set page table entry and check malicious mappings
Minor modification to hardware (only some comparing logic in page table walker)
No extra memory access overhead during application execution
It achieves:
- G1: Non-enclaves cannot access secure pages
- G2: Fine-grained memory isolation without static partitioning
Temporally Cache Partition
Penglai uses cache partition mechanism to alleviate side channel
Partition cache when current CPU issues certain instruction
- CPU can still read/write all cache lines but can only evict cache lines allocated to it
Cancel the partition via certain instruction
Most of time the whole cache is shared among CPUs
Fast IPC
Secure monitor allows an enclave to register itself as a server with certain name
Then secure monitor will bind the server enclave with its name
Other enclaves can request secure monitor for handle of server enclave with certain name
Then it can call server enclave with the handle
Penglai supports both host- enclave IPC and enclave - enclave IPC
Penglai supports fast ownership transfer between host and enclave via unmapping pages in PT AREA, marking enclave pages and remapping them in enclave’s page table
Penglai supports fast ownership transfer between enclaves and enclave via unmapping and remapping pages in each enclave’s page table
When enclave call is finished, pages’ owner- ship transfer can also happen in the opposite direction
Features NOT for Security
Transactional Memory 101
Hardware TM to mass market
- Intel’s restricted transactional memory (RTM)
- IBM’s IBM Blue Gene/Q
- AMD advanced synchronization family (ASF proposal)
Generally provides:
- Opportunistic concurrency
- Strong atomicity: read set & write set
- Semantic of both all-or-nothing and before-or-after
Real-world best - effort TM
- Limited read/write set
- System events may abort an TX
Using HTM for Data Protection
Idea: leverage the strong atomicity guarantee provided by HTM to defeat illegal concurrent accesses to the memory space that contains sensitive data
- Each private- key computation is performed as an atomic transaction
During the transaction
- Private key is first decrypted into plaintext,
- Use to decrypt or sign messages
- If the transaction is interrupted, the abort handler clears all updated but uncommitted data in the transaction
- Before committing the computation result, all sensitive data are carefully cleared
Intel CAT
The Noisy Neighbor Problem
“noisy neighbor” on core zero over-utilizes shared resources in the platform, causing performance inversion
Though the priority app on core one is higher priority, it runs slower than expected
Software Controlled Cache Allocation
The basic mechanisms of CAT include:
- The ability to enumerate the CAT capability and the associated LLC allocation support via CPUID
- Interfaces for the OS/hypervisor to group applications into classes of service (CLOS) and indicate the amount of last-level cache available to each CLOS
- These interfaces are based on MSRs: Model- Specific Registers
Monitor Control Flow by Existing PMU
PEBS: Precise Performance Counter
- Save samples in memory region for batching
- Atomic-freeze: record exact IP address precisely
BTS: Branch Trace Store
Capture all control transfer events
Also save exact IP in memory region
LBR: Last Branch Record
- Save samples in register stack, only 16 pairs
Event Filtering
- E.g. “do not capture near return branches”
- Only available in LBR, not BTS
Conditional Counting
- E.g. “only counting when at user mode”
Main idea
Leverage PMU for CFI Monitoring
- Using already existing hardware
- No need to modify software
Two Phases
Offline phase: Get all the legal targets for each branch source
Online phase: Monitor all branches and detect malicious ones
Branch Types
Direct Branches
- Direct call
- Direct jump
Indirect Branches
- return
- indirect call
- indirect jump
Target Address Sets:
Target Sets for indirect branches
- ret_set: all the addresses next to a call
- call_set: all the first addresses of a function
- train_sets: all the target addresses that once happened
Intel Processor Tracing (IPT)
Privileged agent configures IPT per core
- Define memory location and size for tracing
- 3 filtering mechanisms: CPL, CR3, IP range
Efficiently captures various information
- Control flow, timing, mode change, etc.
Challenges: Fast Trace VS. Slow Decode
Performance overhead is shifted from tracing to decoding, decoding is several orders of magnitude slower than tracing
FlowGuard: transparent, efficient and precise CFI
- Transparent: no source code needed, no hardware change
- Precise: enforce fine-grained CFI with dynamic information
- Efficient: reconstruct CFG and separate fast and slow paths
Evaluation results
- Apply FlowGuard to real machine with server workloads
- Prevent a various of real code reuse attacks
- Less than 8% performance overhead for normal use cases
Usage of Microcode
Customizable RDTSC Precision
Microcode- Assisted Address Sanitizer
Microcoded Instruction Set Randomization
Microcode- Assisted Instrumentation
Authenticated Microcode Updates
- Hardware VS. software
- User-mode VS. kernel- mode
- Integrity VS. privacy
- Heterogenous VS. homogenous
- Encryption VS. isolation
- Side channel attacks & physical attacks